Welcome to the 2024 april fools mini-contest organized by HashMob.

Here is some information about it all:
- Start time: 2024-04-01 @ 12:00 UTC
- End time: 2024-04-07 @ 12:00 UTC
- Status: The contest has ended. Congratulations to our winners. - Nature: Casual? I suppose that depends
- Goal: Crack hashes
- Download hashes: Sign up first

Hash information:
- Hashes can be downloaded here: Sign up first
- The plaintext of each hash is known to us (the organizers)
- The plaintext of each hash will be published at the end of the contest

Plaintext information:
- https://fool.hashmob.net/founds/1.found.txt
- https://fool.hashmob.net/founds/2.found.txt
- https://fool.hashmob.net/founds/3.found.txt
- https://fool.hashmob.net/founds/4.found.txt

Score information:
- Every hash is worth at least 1 point.
- Every hour that a hash is not cracked, the points increase exponentially (n = hours, score=2^(0.06n)).
- As soon as a hash is cracked by any user (first blood), the points will start falling back down each minute until it reaches 1 after an hour.
- A public log is kept of all hashes and their estimated point values.
- A public log is kept of hash and the time they were cracked.
- Scores are updated every minute.

Signup information:
- Individual contest
- Sign up here: /signup
- Login here: /login
- Submit here: /submit
- Leaderboard here: /leaderboard

- Do not share hashes.
- Do not cheat in any other way
- Automation of submission is allowed. Excessive spamming is not
- Have fun

The goal of this contest is not to be anything too serious, and is really meant to provide something fun in the downtime of the 'real' contests.
At the end of the contest, all data will be made public, including plains (with the exception of passwords, IP's and other PII).

Discord invite: https://discord.com/invite/YXtrFkPeye

A curated AI audio library to listen while you wait or crack hashes

Cracking the Code:

Digital Intrigue:

The Hashcat's Quest:

The Warriors of Hash:

Woepdie HashMob:

HashMob: Digital Kings: